Yolky Dokey Eggs

from freely roaming hens with attitude!

About Us

Louise & Cameron Burton and family

----------------------Chief chicken wranglers, goods polishers and evening crooners

Pasture-raised free-range hens with attitude providing you gorgeous fresh eggs for breakfast, baking and everything in between.

Established in September 2022 by Louise & Cameron Burton and family, Yolky Dokey Eggs has a vision to provide the local community and contacts with the best eggs possible.

These happy hens have free range of acres of land to roam, dust baths to play in, a tree branch ninja warrior course and are fed only the best balanced chook food money can buy - oh, and vegetables, scraps and delicious morsels from a gluten-free cafe in town.

Eggs are collected each morning by the kids and us, hand polished and packaged in recycled/recyclable containers without any faff. 

These eggs will make you happy - grab a dozen and see whether they get you clucking!

Yolky Dokey Eggs - from freely roaming hens with attitude!


For Cluck & Collect farmgate pick ups, you'll find your eggery needs in the stall, just as you enter the driveway on your left-hand side.

From Clive/Havelock: first driveway on your right after the Mill Rd/Lawn Rd roundabout;

From Cape Coast: first driveway on the left after Black Bridge (welcome to the other side!)

Pick up at the stall!

206 Mill Road, Clive-Haumoana